What About Our Water! Rainwater / Groundwater Class & MCBIA Annual Mtg.

Montgomery County Extension Office 9020 Airport Rd, Conroe, TX, United States

Rainwater / Groundwater presentation and Montgomery County Beef Improvement Association Annual Meeting Sign up is required by September 15th. Sponsored by Farm Bureau and MCBIA Download the event flyer:  Water Flyer

Private Pesticide Applicator’s Training

Montgomery County Extension Office 9020 Airport Rd, Conroe, TX, United States

Pesticide Training Flyer Call to sign up by September 19th at 936-539-7822, option 2


Forage Testing Program – FREE!

Montgomery County Extension Office 9020 Airport Rd, Conroe, TX, United States

Bring your forage samples to the Extension Office by Thursday, September 29th Samples results will be discussed on Thursday, October 13th at an evening program titled "Understanding Forage Quality" at the Extension Office. Forage Testing Flyer

Understanding Forage Quality!

Montgomery County Extension Office 9020 Airport Rd, Conroe, TX, United States

Learn how to read the report from the Texas A&M Lab to interpret the results of your forage test.  Dr. Tony Provin will be on hand to walk you through the testing process and what those numbers mean.  Mike Heimer, Montgomery County Extension Agent - Agriculture, will discuss those results and apply them to your feeding program.  Regardless of whether your animals are out on winter pasture, or in stalls, we need to feed the hay on hand according to its nutritional value. Call 936-539-7822 or email m-heimer@tamu.edu... Read More →

Landscaping With Native Plants

Montgomery County Extension Office 9020 Airport Rd, Conroe, TX, United States

Landscaping With Native Plants Greg Grant Program Flyer

Equine Health Update

Montgomery County Extension Office 9020 Airport Rd, Conroe, TX, United States

Equine Health Flyer


1st Annual Southeast Texas Town & Country CEU Recertification Seminar

Lone Star Convention Center 9055 Airport Rd, Conroe, TX

Seminar Flyer Payment is accepted by mailing check or money order to the Extension Office (see flyer above) or online using PayPal here: http://montgomery.agrilife.org/agriculture-natural-resources/agriculture-events/
